Christian Eiroa is a renowned cigar maker, known for his commitment to producing high-quality, full-bodied cigars.
Born into a family with deep roots in the cigar industry, Christian began working in his family's business, Camacho Cigars. After selling the business to Davidoff and working with the Swiss power-house, Christian decided to start over and founded CLE Cigars in 2012.
His passion for Honduran tobacco and attention to detail have made him a respected figure in the cigar world, with his blends behind the CLE, Eiroa and Asylum brands celebrated for their rich flavours and expert craftsmanship.
CLE Cigars, founded by Christian Eiroa, showcases premium cigars rooted in Honduran tradition, known for bold flavours and meticulous craftsmanship. The Eiroa brand highlights Christian's family heritage and expertise, offering top-tier, full-bodied cigars. Asylum Cigars, a collaboration with Tom Lazuka, is known for pushing boundaries with large ring gauges and unique blends, appealing to modern smokers seeking both creativity and quality.