The Maker

Abdel J. Fernández

AJ Fernandez

Raised in Cuba and steeped in the rich tradition of Fernandez cigar legacy, AJ Fernandez produces unparalleled premium cigars in Esteli, Nicaragua. Ensuring superior quality, the day-to-day operations at Tabacalera AJ Fernandez are managed under the watchful eye of AJ himself.

His blends use proprietary tobacco seeds, Nicaraguan innovations and traditional Cuban techniques. Working closely with his father, Ismael, AJ’s obsessive attention to detail produces cigars renowned for their balance and depth, earning him accolades like the Cigar Journal Lifetime Achievement Trophy and global recognition for his blending mastery.

The Brand

AJ Fernandez Cigars, headquartered in Estelí, Nicaragua, is known for its innovative blends, crafted using their own tobacco. AJF Cigars combines Cuban heritage with Nicaraguan terroir to produce cigars with remarkable complexity.

The brand earned industry acclaim, including Cigar Journal's 2014 and 2019 "No. 1 Cigar of the Year" and UK Cigar Producer of the Year, setting it apart as a global leader.
